25 July 2010

Typography Gets Me Going!

Ok, so I'm currently working on a typography brief, and I must say I'm really loving. Most people seem to be afraid of designing with type but I've never understood why they don't just treat it as an image rather than text.

By the way, if you are interested in design at all (which you should be if you're reading my blog) the the Helvetica movie is a must see - changed my life. It's available in eight parts on youtube. I shall post a link below. My favorite typographers at the moment are: Wim Crouwel, Stefan Sagmeister, Paula Cher, David Carson and Erik Spiekermann. Give them a look over on google images and check out their work.

Here are some awesome things regarding my research into type:

The Helvetica Movie (Part One of Eight)

This is a DPS 5 out of a book titled "Mesmerization". Designed by Why Not Associates.

This is a student design by Maria Bohm, which I really, really like. I found in a book titled "Typography Now". Awesome use of white space and texture.

Here are three interesting cover designs of past issues of "Super8Magazine". I love the experimentation in the layout. If I had my way I would buy all the back issues of this pure amazingness.

And here's a pic of my current work in progress, a monthly publication titled "Offline" which will serve as a reference guide to awesome sites, blogs, images and just general stuff on the net that would be hard to find otherwise. This is the cover as of today...it will definitely change though...

As I find more awesome stuff I shall keep posting...

I'm out...CRRR

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